
Tunahan Tasci to Fortuna Sittard

Tunahan Tasci will offer his services to Fortuna Sittard after reaching an agreement with the club.

With the presence of his agent Atalay Mutlu, he signed his 1,5 year new contract with the Dutch team.

Ethos Group family wishes Tunnie health and good luck for the upcoming season.


Ozgur Aktas to Fortuna Sittard

Ozgur Aktas will offer his services toFortuna Sittard for the next year, after reaching an agreement with the club. With the presence of his agent Atalay Mutlu, he signed his […]

Hospitality for FC Astana

For the third consecutive year, Ethos Group is rensposible for the European hospitality of all FC Astana official matches. Next stop Warsaw and the stars!